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The teacher is accused of incitement for false testimony 11/06/2012 14:51 | Криминальная хроника
The case of the teacher of Aramus village of Kotayk region Norayr Stepanyan was accepted to the inquiry of the judge Hrayr Sargsyan of the Court of General Jurisdiction of Kotayk region (residence in Abovyan).
Norayr Stepanyan is accused of receiving a bribe in the amount of 30,000 AMD, falsifying documents, incitement for false testimony and negligently inflicting a grave damage to the health of another person.
N. Stepanyan worked at a secondary school after “Vladik Araqelyan” state non-profit organization in Aramus village of the Kotayk region as a physical education teacher, at the same time was the president of the Union of method of physical culture, was involved in the Committee staff of graduation and state graduation exams of the subject physical education. Thus, being a person with certain competences in realizing organizational activities and fixing the exam results of the pupils, in order to free the pupil of the 12 B class Mariam Arshakyan from attending the physical culture studies during the academic year 2011-2012 and help her get high marks for the graduation and state graduation exam of the discipline physical culture, he personally took a bribe in the amount of 30,000 AMD from the father Meliq Arshakyan in October 2011 in front of the departmental building of the Aramus village municipality. In return for this he falsified the attendance of Mariam Arshakyan ignoring the most part of the absence of the pupil. He also gave her good marks for the discipline of physical culture and contributed in granting her high marks for the state graduation exam.
Moreover, before taking the state exam he did not assign to the pupils to start the preliminary exercises, as a result prescribed for avoiding the overload of which Mariam Arshakyan fell down from the height of 30 meters after having finished the exercises. The reason was a decline in functional conditions of the organism due to a balance loss. A grave damage was negligently inflicted to Mariam Arshakyan’s health.
On May 21, 2012 on the day of Mariam Arshakyan’s funeral service having inquired that M. Arhakyan’s classmates are invited to an interrogation as eyewitnesses, in the principal’s office and in the presence of the principal Samvel Zohrabyan and the form-master Laura Petrosyan, the teacher, having made a profit from the fact that the pupils of the 12 B class are still in the graduation phase, by convincing M. Arshakyan’s classmates Qnarik Tadevosyan, Nunufar Poghosyan, Shoghine Nikoghosyan, Armine Nikoghosyan, Shushanik Vardanyan and Bella Khachatryan induced them to give false testimony, i.e. that after M. Arshakyan fell down from the height of 30 meters during the physical culture state exam, the exam was stopped and no one was allowed to shift her before the ambulance arrived, also the principal called the ambulance and inquired about the M.Arshakyan’s health. After listening to all this, Shoghine Nikoghosyan, Armine Nikoghosyan, Shushanik Vardanyan and Bella Khachatryan having become outraged by N. Stepanyan’s behavior and having ignored the incitement of the latter left the principal’s office. Qnarik Tadevosyan and Nunufar Poghosyan covered the truth and gave false testimony during the interrogation at the investigation unit of the police of the Kotayk region.
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