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Kamo Vardanyan “Highest suicide rate is in Gyumri” 09/17/2012 14:05 | Лента новостей
498 cases of suicide and attempts of suicide were committed in Armenia in 2009, 592 in 2010 and 647 in 2011. Suicide rate is calculated by a number of suicides per 100000 people. If there are 10 suicide cases per 100000 people, it is considered that the suicide rate is low, not more than 20 cases are considered average and more than 20 suicides are very high. Armenia is considered an average state regarding the suicide cases. “Information about number of suicides has increased recently. It seems that the dimensions of the phenomenon are alarming. Although the rate is not so high yet, but there is a trend of increasing” psychology PhD, Associate Professor Kamo Vardanyan expressed this viewpoint responding Pastinfo.am reporter Lilit Hovhannisyan’s question.
-Mr. Vardanyan, is there a study to identify the causes for suicide?
-In science it is estimated that there are about 800 reasons to commit a suicide. I as well as some other doctors and specialists study this phenomenon. Sometimes we might not even imagine what the causes of the suicide are. For instance, the reason might be different types of chemicals. There is a mediatory substance. If there is a lack of this substance in a person’s organism a depressive addition is occurred. And if a person has a propensity towards aggression it leads to a suicide.
The same can be said about dopamine (pleasure hormone). If it raises a person commits a suicide. There is a parasitic disease in case of which a level of dopamine raises. It is found that there are six gens in human genotypes that provide grounds for a suicide.
Suicide has genetics, psychological, social and ecological causality. The phenomenon must be examined. We should stop commenting on it on the amateur level.
-To what extent does the media coverage reflect the reality?
-There should be a source for media to register the reality. If there is no source and no analysis is carried out, media cannot report objective information. This is the most dangerous part. Sometimes reporters get together various professionals like clergymen, astrologers, esotericism theory followers who do not know anything about the phenomenon of suicide, its scientific interpretation. But there are some people who are willing to give sensational nature to the phenomenon and invite these people for broadcasting and these people report not-scientific information and a number of suicides rise.
-You have once mentioned that suicide is more widespread in Gyumri. What are the reasons?
-Yes, the highest rate of suicides is in Gyumri, because there are still unsolved issues and tension. We want to clarify this issue.
Researches are still in process. We will speak about it when research is fully finished.
-What are the main reasons for suicide in Armenia?
-Recently one of the most common motives is a bet in bookmaker offices, when after betting a person is not able to make the payment. As a way to solve the problem suicide is chosen. It is spread around the world, but new in Armenia. Another reason is ecological stress which is also new in the world.
-There are two approaches to the phenomenon of suicide. First, a week human behaviour, and second, a strong human behaviour.
-I want to cite the words of Camus. He says that there is a very important problem, a problem of suicides that knows no age, no sex. It is like a ghost that can brake into the house in the combination of objective and subjective conditions.
-Is suicide a crime?
-Mkhitar Gosh and Smbat Gundstable in their court books referred to suicide with a special article. Mkhitar Gosh says that a person, who commits a suicide, does a sin against the God. They classify a suicide: suicide that was committed by a mental ill and a suicide that was committed by a mentally healthy person.
There was a punishment what was too soft towards a mental ill and a very harsh towards mentally healthy people. A ritual ceremony for them is not performed by a priest.
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